Warship & Warfare

Trinity Church 14515 Church Street, Upper Marlboro, MD, United States

Please join us in person at our temporary location, Trinity Church for 1st Friday Warship & Warfare Fellowship!

Women’s Bible Study

Please join us for our virtual ***God is Love*** women's bible study, every other Monday night! Zoom Link Password: 12345

Prophetic Prayer Line

Join the Prophetic Prayer line Monday at 8 PM EST! Please click the link below to join the webinar: Zoom Link Passcode: 640977 US: +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 837 8509 5513 Passcode: 640977

Prophetic Prayer Line

Join the Prophetic Prayer line Monday at 8 PM EST! Please click the link below to join the webinar: Zoom Link Passcode: 640977 US: +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 837 8509 5513 Passcode: 640977

Women’s Bible Study

Please join us for our virtual ***God is Love*** women's bible study, every other Monday night! Zoom Link Password: 12345